Home maintenance is essential for keeping your property in pristine condition. Just as exercise and grooming keep our bodies in shape and vehicle maintenance helps cars operate smoothly, home maintenance can help your property sustain its monetary and aesthetic value. Home maintenance can help you uphold your desired standard of living, avoid costly repairs, and retain the home’s worth if you want to rent or sell it in the future.

What Is Home Maintenance?

Home maintenance is the process of inspecting, servicing, repairing, or replacing various components of your property in order to preserve its value. This process can involve large components like structure as well as smaller features like vents or fixtures. The purpose of maintenance is to keep your home safe, secure, and aesthetically pleasing. Different types of home maintenance include:

  • Regular or routine
  • Preventative
  • Corrective
  • Cosmetic
  • Seasonal

Regular or routine maintenance consists of tasks that should occur in consistent intervals such as weekly, monthly, or quarterly. Preventative maintenance refers to checking for problems before they occur to avoid costly emergencies later. Corrective maintenance is a repair service that fixes problems after they occur. Many homeowners can avoid most corrective maintenance by keeping up with routine or preventative care.

Cosmetic maintenance is a great way to improve the visual appearance of your home. While cosmetic maintenance is typically an elective process, most homeowners appreciate that it increases the curb appeal of their homes. Finally, seasonal maintenance refers to preparing the home for periodic changes in weather, temperature, or ecology. Examples include spring cleaning to remove winter grime or flushing the sump pump before summer weather begins.

What Is a Home Maintenance Plan?

A home maintenance plan is a schedule or checklist to ensure consistent upkeep of your home. While maintenance can sometimes feel like a chore that you would rather postpone, establishing a solid plan can help you avoid problems in the long run. Homeownership is one of the expensive purchases that many individuals make, and keeping the home in excellent condition can help ensure that the investment pays off.

Since many aspects of maintenance include professional inspection and can require commercial equipment, it is also smart to work with a home services company to develop your plan. A professional contractor can help with maintenance issues that range from HVAC to electrical inspection. Some of the most common professional maintenance tasks include:

  • Inspecting and repairing heating, cooling, plumbing, or electrical elements of the home
  • Checking safety and security features of the household, such as carbon monoxide monitors and smoke detectors
  • Evaluating structural integrity or pipe infrastructure
  • Maintaining exterior paint, materials, landscaping, and general aesthetics

What Are the Benefits of a Home Maintenance Plan?

Creating a home maintenance plan is a great way to organize your time, effort, and resources. A customized plan helps you monitor each category of your home and prevents your property from falling into neglect or disrepair. Reaping the benefits of a maintenance plan can help your household operate smoothly.

Save on Expenses

Foremost, a home maintenance plan saves money in the long run by detecting and fixing small problems before they become large ones. By creating checkpoints to identify issues, you can reduce the likelihood of emergencies or costly replacements.

For example, neglecting to change the filters on a furnace could eventually cause a complete system breakdown with a significant price tag for repairs. Failing to clean gutters could allow them to clog and potentially cause water damage to your roof and fascia. Ignoring unusual cracks or wet spots can lead to problems with your plumbing or even within the home foundation. By making an effort to schedule regular inspections and updates, you can avoid the costs of extra renovations and repairs.

Boost Home Value and Extend Your Home’s Lifespan

Maintenance plans have the additional benefit of potentially boosting home value and extending your home’s lifespan. A home is an appreciative asset, which means that it is designed to increase in value over time. Protect this investment with consistent maintenance to avoid undermining its market value.

To put it into perspective, reports estimate that well-maintained homes typically sell for 10% more than other homes. A well-kept home with records documenting a history of inspections and improvements may also increase resale value. Once you are ready to make the sale, prospective buyers are more likely to pay top dollar for homes with excellent curb appeal, updated appliances, and structural integrity that does not necessitate major repairs.

In addition to the value of the home itself, maintenance can also extend the lifespan of your home and its appliances. Regular inspections ensure that there are no problems with plumbing, roofing, and other factors that can shorten a building’s lifespan. Evaluation of air conditioners and appliances like refrigerators, dishwashers, and washing machines can prevent premature replacements and even help devices last beyond their standard 15 years. For example, even the simple task of changing the oven hood filter can help prevent stove problems and keep your appliance working for years into the future.

Improve Safety and Security of Your Home

Consistent maintenance checkups can also improve the safety and security of your home. According to the National Fire Protection Association, for example, the country’s fire departments respond to over 346,800 calls each year. By hiring a contractor to inspect your home’s electrical system and correct any issues, you can reduce the risks of electrical fires. Your maintenance plan can also include a schedule for testing your home’s smoke alarms, fire extinguishers, and cameras for additional protection. A professional can also help you identify a general home evacuation route if needed.

Similarly, inspecting your home’s plumbing can reduce the risk of flooding or related water damage. Carbon monoxide and radon testing can help prevent exposure to toxic fumes that can lead to illness or death. For the home’s exterior, installing security cameras and trimming overgrown trees or bushes can help lower the threat of home invasion. Finally, you should also keep in mind that many exterior and interior home appliances require regular maintenance to validate insurance and warranties.

In other words, the fine print of insurance policies and warranties requires homeowners to keep their property in good condition. These policies will not cover problems that arise from neglect or disuse. Documented maintenance can help prevent potential challenges to your claims.

Enhance Visual Appeal of the Home

Regular maintenance enhances the visual appeal of your home. For example, a fresh coat of paint can give your property a vibrant look. Cleaned gutters and downspouts as well as consistent lawn care can also upgrade your property in comparison to similar homes. If you plan to rent or lease your property, this visual appeal can help you attract the right tenants quickly. A maintenance plan also improves the quality of life for residents who intend to stay in the home. For example, allowing a professional to check the HVAC system and change out filters can keep the indoor air quality fresh, safe, and clean.

Contact Us Today

Create a custom home maintenance plan to keep your home in excellent shape. Because many maintenance elements require a professional eye, contact a home services company to ensure that your plan is efficient and effective. Whether you live in Tyler, Crandall, Kaufman, Kemp, Terrell, or surrounding areas, Accurate Home Services can help. We specialize in maintenance plans that include inspections for air conditioners, electrical panels, and heating systems. Other popular services include duct cleaning and thermostat adjustment for indoor air quality. To learn more about investing in a home maintenance plan, contact Accurate Home Services today.

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